Package: doBy

doBy: Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities

Utility package containing: 1) Facilities for working with grouped data: 'do' something to data stratified 'by' some variables. 2) LSmeans (least-squares means), general linear estimates. 3) Restrict functions to a smaller domain. 4) Miscellaneous other utilities.

Authors:Ulrich Halekoh [aut, cph], Søren Højsgaard [aut, cre, cph]

doBy.pdf |doBy.html
doBy/json (API)

# Install 'doBy' in R:
install.packages('doBy', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • NIRmilk - NIRmilk
  • beets - Beets data
  • breastcancer - Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samples
  • budworm - Budworm data
  • cad1 - Coronary artery disease data
  • cad2 - Coronary artery disease data
  • carcass - Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses
  • carcassall - Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses
  • codstom - Diet of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
  • crickets - Crickets data
  • crimeRate - CrimeRate
  • crime_rate - CrimeRate
  • cropyield - Yield from Danish agricultural production of grain and root crop.
  • dietox - Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment
  • fatacid - Fish oil in pig food
  • fev - Forced expiratory volume in children
  • haldCement - Heat development in cement under hardening.
  • income - Income data
  • math - Mathematics marks for students
  • mathmark - Mathematics marks for students
  • milkman - Milk yield data for manually milked cows.
  • milkman_rdm1 - Milk yield data for manually milked cows.
  • nir_milk - Nir_milk
  • personality - Personality traits
  • potatoes - Weight and size of 20 potatoes
  • prostate - Prostate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset
  • shoes - Shoes
  • wine - Chemical composition of wine



14.92 score 1 stars 934 packages 3.2k scripts 322k downloads 64 mentions 94 exports 43 dependencies

Last updated 3 days agofrom:2021df8c91. Checks:1 OK, 8 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.4-linuxWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGMar 05 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGMar 05 2025



doby: Groupwise computations and miscellaneous utilities

Rendered fromdoby.rmdusingknitr::knitron Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2024-06-21
Started: 2024-06-07

doBy: Linear estimates and LSmeans

Rendered fromlinest_lsmeans.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-05
Started: 2022-02-06

Sectioning a function

Rendered fromsection_fun.rmdusingknitr::knitron Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2024-04-29
Started: 2024-04-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert right hand sided formula to a list.rhsf2list
Add predicted values of different types to dataframeadd_pred
Add residuals of different types to dataframeadd_resid
beets databeets
Convert binomial data to bernoulli databinomial_to_bernoulli_data
Backquote a list of functionsbquote_fun_list
Scale a dataframe or matrixby_scale scaleBy scale_by
Formula based version of lapply and sapplyby-lapply lapplyBy lapply_by sapplyBy sapply_by
List of lm objects with a common modelby-lmby coef.lmBy coef.summary_lmBy fitted.lmBy getBy lmBy lm_by residuals.lmBy summary.lmBy
Ordering (sorting) rows of a data frameby-order orderBy order_by
Sampling from a data frameby-sample sampleBy sample_by
Split a data frameby-split head.splitByData splitBy split_by tail.splitByData
Finds subsets of a dataframe which is split by variables in a subsetBy subset_by
Function to calculate groupwise summary statisticsby-summary summaryBy summary_by
Function to make groupwise transformationsby-transform transformBy transform_by
Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcassescarcass carcassall
Diet of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)codstom
crickets datacrickets
Yield from Danish agricultural production of grain and root crop.cropyield
Cross-validation for list of glm objectscv_glm_fitlist
Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samplesbreastcancer data_breastcancer
Budworm databudworm data_budworm
Coronary artery disease datacad1 cad2 data_cad
Mathematics marks for studentsdata_mathmark math mathmark
Personality traitsdata_personality personality
Chemical composition of winedata-wine wine
Computing simple descriptive statistics of a numeric vector.descStat
Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experimentdietox
Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objectscoef.esticon_class confint.esticon_class esticon summary.esticon_class vcov.esticon_class
Convert expression into function object.expr_to_fun
Fish oil in pig foodfatacid
Forced expiratory volume in childrenfev
Locate the index of the first/last unique valuefirstlastobs firstobs firstobs.default firstobs.formula lastobs lastobs.default lastobs.formula
Formula operations and coercion.as_lhs_chr as_lhs_frm as_rhs_chr as_rhs_frm formula_add formula_add_str formula_chr_to_form formula_nth formula_ops formula_poly formula_to_interaction_matrix simplify_rhs simplify_rhs.character simplify_rhs.formula terms_labels to_str unique_formula
Generate data listgenerate_data_list
Get formulas from model_stability_glm_class objectget_formulas
Heat development in cement under hardening.haldCement
income dataincome
Two-way interaction plotinteraction-plot interaction_plot
Determines if contrasts are estimable.is_estimable
Compute linear estimatescoef.linest_class confint.linest_class linest linest.default linest.geeglm linest.glm linest.lm linest.lmerMod linest.merMod summary.linest_class
Auxillary functions for computing lsmeans, contrasts etcget_contrasts get_contrasts.default get_contrasts.merMod get_vartypes get_X get_X.default get_X.merMod get_xlevels get_xlevels.default get_xlevels.mer get_xlevels.merMod linest-get set_covariate_val set_xlevels
Linear estimates matrixaggregate_linest_list get_linest_list LE_matrix LE_matrix.default linest-matrix
Compute LS-means (aka population means or marginal means)ls-means LSmeans LSmeans.default LSmeans.lmerMod popMeans popMeans.default popMeans.lmerMod
Fast summary of microbenchmark objectmb_summary summary_mb
Milk yield data for manually milked cows.milkman milkman_rdm1
Model stability for glm objectsmodel_stability_glm
Extract components from a formula with "conditioning bar"parseGroupFormula
Plot linear model objectplot_lm
Weight and size of 20 potatoespotatoes
Prostate Tumor Gene Expression Datasetprostate
Recode values of a vectorrecodeVar recode_var
Recover data from principal component analysisrecover_pca_data
Rename columns in a matrix or a dataframe.renameCol
Get response variable from modelresponse
Plot the response variable against the predictor variables.response_plot
Scaling numerical valuesscale2 scale_df
Section a function and set default values in functionget_fun get_section section_fun section_fun_env section_fun_sub set_default
Matrix representatation of list of vectors and vice versamatrix2set_list set_list2matrix set_list_set_matrix
Split matrix or dataframe into listsplit_bycol split_byrow split_byrow_bycol
Find sub-sequences of identical elements in a vector.is_grouped rle2 subSeq sub_seq
Taylor expansion (one dimension)taylor
Tidy an esticon objecttidy-esticon tidy.esticon_class
Tidy a linest objecttidy-linest tidy.linest_class
Calculate "time since event" in a vector.timeSinceEvent
Truncate values in a matrix / vector to zero if they are below a certain threshold.truncate0
Where are the n largest or n smallest elements in a numeric vector ?which.maxn which.minn