Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samplesdoBy::budworm
Budworm datadoBy::cad1
Coronary artery disease datadoBy::cad2
Coronary artery disease datadoBy::carcass
Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcassesdoBy::carcassall
Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcassesdoBy::codstom
Diet of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)doBy::crickets
crickets datadoBy::crime_rate
Yield from Danish agricultural production of grain and root crop.doBy::dietox
Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experimentdoBy::fatacid
Fish oil in pig fooddoBy::fev
Forced expiratory volume in childrendoBy::haldCement
Heat development in cement under hardening.doBy::math
Mathematics marks for studentsdoBy::mathmark
Mathematics marks for studentsdoBy::milkman
Milk yield data for manually milked cows.doBy::milkman_rdm1
Milk yield data for manually milked cows.doBy::personality
Personality traitsdoBy::potatoes
Weight and size of 20 potatoesdoBy::prostate
Prostate Tumor Gene Expression DatasetdoBy::wine
Chemical composition of winegeepack::dietox
Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experimentgeepack::koch
Ordinal Data from Kochgeepack::muscatine
Data on Obesity from the Muscatine Coronary Risk Factor Study.geepack::ohio
Ohio Children Wheeze Statusgeepack::respdis
Clustered Ordinal Respiratory Disordergeepack::respiratory
Data from a clinical trial comparing two treatments for a respiratory illnessgeepack::seizure
Epiliptic Seizuresgeepack::sitka89
Growth of Sitka Spruce Treesgeepack::spruce
Log-size of 79 Sitka spruce treesgRbase::BodyFat
Body Fat DatagRbase::Nutrimouse
The Nutrimouse DatasetgRbase::ashtrees
Crown dieback in ash treesgRbase::breastcancer
Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samplesgRbase::cad1
Coronary artery disease datagRbase::cad2
Coronary artery disease datagRbase::carcass
Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcassesgRbase::carcassall
Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcassesgRbase::chestSim1000
Simulated data from the Chest Clinic examplegRbase::chestSim10000
Simulated data from the Chest Clinic examplegRbase::chestSim100000
Simulated data from the Chest Clinic examplegRbase::chestSim500
Simulated data from the Chest Clinic examplegRbase::chestSim50000
Simulated data from the Chest Clinic examplegRbase::dietox
Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experimentgRbase::dumping
Gastric DumpinggRbase::lizard
Lizard behaviourgRbase::lizardAGG
Lizard behaviourgRbase::lizardRAW
Lizard behaviourgRbase::math
Mathematics marks for studentsgRbase::mathmark
Mathematics marks for studentsgRbase::mildew
Mildew fungusgRbase::milkcomp
Milk composition datagRbase::milkcomp1
Milk composition datagRbase::personality
Personality traitsgRbase::prostate
Prostate Tumor Gene Expression DatasetgRbase::rats
Weightloss of ratsgRbase::reinis
Risk factors for coronary heart disease.gRbase::wine
Chemical composition of winepbkrtest::beets
Sugar beets datapbkrtest::budworm
Budworm data