doBy 2025-01-29
- Various minor changes; too many to remember.
doBy 2024-10-07
function added.
- file with matrix operations removed.
doBy 2024-06-20
- Various internal cleanups
doBy 2023-11-01
- smaller changes to expr_to_fun (length_nparm is argument)
doBy 2023-10-02
- Smaller changes in section_fun and related functions
doBy 2023-08-03
- R version requirement updated to ensure that Rs native pipe is available
doBy 2023-07-10
removed again; too over engineered
- Minor bug fixes
- Improved documentation
- Added functions:
, matrix_op()
doBy 2023-01-18
- Improved documentation
doBy 2022-12-08
renamed to section_fun
and takes different arguments (nms
, vls
doBy 2022-10-16
- Functions
and split_bycol()
- Function
- Functions
, scaleBy()
and scale_by()
functions added
- Funcetion
- added data:
(crimeRate with State variable now being rownames)
- added data:
and personality
doBy 2022-05-02
- data
: definition of factors corrected.
- added data
doBy 2021-07-13
doBy 2021-04-29
function removed.
function replaces specialize
doBy 2021-03-09
doBy 2020-11-10
head / tail added for splitByData
(a list resulting from
calling splitBy)
/ sapply_by
subSeq works on factors now (coerces to character)
sub_seq added; synonymous to subSeq
rle2 added; similar to rle but works also on factors
is_grouped added
/ mathmark
dataset added.
doBy 2020-07-07
- interaction_plot (based on ggplot2 etc) added.
doBy 2020-06-16
Bug fixes:
doBy 2020-04-26
- esticon.gls is now exported
doBy 2020-02-21
Bug fixes:
- Minor issues related to checks made by the development version of R.
doBy 2020-02-03
- NAMESPACE file is being generated automatically
doBy 2020-02-01
- Issue related to class vs inherits solved
- NEWS file added
- Update of fev data
- cropyield data added.
doBy 2019-12-20
- Update of fev data
- cropyield data added.
doBy 2019-10-23
Bug fixes:
- LE_matrix etc. handles a dataframe correctly for the 'at' argument
- taylor function added
- fev data from isdals added
- lmBy reintroduced due to popular demand.
- taylor function added
- fev data from isdals added
- lmBy reintroduced due to popular demand.
- LE_matrix etc. handles a dataframe correctly for the 'at' argument
- Version 4.6-3 uploaded
doBy 2018-08-30
- sampleBy and lapplyBy functions reintroduced due to popular demand.
- sampleBy and lapplyBy functions reintroduced due to popular demand.
- Version 4.6-2 uploaded
doBy 2018-03-19
- Previous functionality of core xxBy-functions reestablished to
ensure that downstream packages work.
- Previous functionality of core xxBy-functions reestablished to
ensure that downstream packages work.
- Version 4.6-1 uploaded.
doBy 2018-03-04
- Improvements of esticon and linest; methods added.
- Improvements of LSmeans vignette.
- Version 4.6-0 uploaded.
doBy 2016-02-15
- Updated with version requirement for R version
- slurry data added
- Version 4.5-15 uploaded.
doBy 2016-01-01
- Converted to roxygen format
- Many of the less useful by functions are removed.
- Put on github
doBy 2015-11-25
- NAMESPACE file updated with S3 registrations
- potatoes dataset added
doBy 2014-12-07
- Bug fixed in LSmatrix; thanks to Ida Bulow Christensen for the
bug report.
doBy 2014-11-11
- linest now accepts K=NULL, in which case K is taken to be the
diagonal matrix
- No longer Depend(s) on MASS
- Some datasets added
- Version 4.5-12 uploaded.
doBy 2014-09-26
- summaryBy did not check if each element in FUN was a
function. Fixed now.
- Version 4.5-11 uploaded.
doBy 2014-09-08
- Added the 'haldCement' data
- lapplyBy: Argument keep.groupid added
- nullBasis function/method added
- popMeans function re-introduced (just a different name for
- dose.LD50 removed; car::deltaMethod can probably do the same.
- Version 4.5-11 uploaded.
doBy 2013-11-28
- LSmeans, LSmatrix and linest functions added. (There are not yet
methods for
and survival
objects but they will be added).
- popMeans and popMatrix functions removed
- Vignette on LSmeans added.
- Version 4.5-10 uploaded
doBy 2013-07-20
- splitBy and summaryBy have been reworked.
- formulaFunBy and xyFunBy functions added.
- Vignettes expanded.
- summaryBy, splitBy now also accept a list / vector as "formula"
- recodeVar works properly on formulas
- Version 4.5-7 uploaded
doBy 2013-03-19
- parseGroupFormula function added. The function will take a
"group formula" with a vertical bar apart into components.
- createFunBy function added. The function can create groupwise
- documentation of lmBy improved
- various utility functions related to lmBy added.
- Version 4.5-6 uploaded
doBy 2012-11-16
- Rmarkup removed; the markdown package does a better job.
- Version 4.5-5 uploaded
doBy 2012-05-28
- Updates of Rmarkup
- Version 4.5-4 uploaded
doBy 2012-05-19
- Updates of Rmarkup
- Version 4.5-3 uploaded
doBy 2012-02-17
- descStat function added. Thanks to Gregor Gorjanc.
- popMeans extended so that the grid values appear in the output
by default
- Version 4.5.2 uploaded
doBy 2012-01-29
- Minor enhancement to Rmarkup()
- Version 4.5.1 uploaded
doBy 2012-01-18
- popMeans method for lme objects added
- lsmeans aliases for popMeans removed
- Version 4.5.0 uploaded
- Small changes to package structure
- Version 4.4.6 uploaded
doBy 2012-01-17
- URL updated
- Rscript2HTML changed to Rmarkup
- Version 4.4.5 uploaded
doBy 2011-12-30
- Change of email address
- Version 4.4.4 uploaded.
doBy 2011-11-01
- Function lmBy (and related methods) added
- Version 4.4.3 uploaded.
- Dataset milkman added
- Version 4.4.2 uploaded.
doBy 2011-10-23
- funBy function added (documentation to be done)
- scaleBy function added
- Minor bug fixed in summaryBy
- popMeans extended to
- KRmodcomp, PBmodcomp etc moved to the pbkrtest
- Version 4.4.1 uploaded.
doBy 2011-06-05
- subSeq function speeded up by considerably
- KRmodcomp: Kenward-Rogers method for calculating denominator degrees of
freedom for F--tests in mixed models (as fitted with lmer)
- PBmodcomp, BCmodcomp, PBrefdist: Functions for calculating
p-values based on parametric bootstrap for tests in mixed
models (as fitted with lmer)
- Version 4.4.0 uploaded
doBy 2011-05-05
- HTMLreport changed to Rscript2HTML
- timeSinceEvent function enhanced
- Version 4.3.1 uploaded.
doBy 2011-03-28
- popMeans (lsMeans) and linMeans functions added.
- A vignette describing the use of popMeans added.
- Functions popMatrix and linMatrix added
- Version 4.3.0 uploaded
doBy 2011-02-02
- Bug fixed in timeSinceEvent
- More work done on HTMLreport
- Version 4.2.3 uploaded
doBy 2011-01-12
- HTMLreport function extended
- Version 4.2.1 uploaded
doBy 2010-12-12
- HTMLreport function has been added.
- Version 4.2.0 has been uploaded.
doBy 2010-11-24
- timeSinceEvent function has been added
- summaryBy now takes the additional argument full.dimension which
when TRUE causes the result to have the same number of rows as the
input dataframe.
- Version 4.1.2 has been uploaded.
doBy 2010-11-11
- recodevar deprecated.
- recodeVar introduced with extended functionality.
- subSeq function added.
- renameCol function added.
- Version 4.1.1 has been uploaded.
doBy 2010-11-09
- lsmeans function has been added.
- Version 4.1.0 has been uploaded.
doBy 2010-05-05
- The sugar beets dataset 'beets' has been added
- doBy no longer depends on Hmisc
- Version 4.0.6 has been uploaded
doBy 2009-10-21
- orderBy applied to a dataframe with one column only returned a
vector. Has been fixed so that a dataframe is returned.
- Version 4.0.5 uploaded
doBy 2009-10-17
- Bug in NAMESPACE file fixed
- Version 4.0.4 uploaded
- esticon method for 'mer' objects added. (Was previously for 'lmer'
- Version 4.0.3 uploaded
doBy 2009-09-07
- Bug in summaryBy fixed: Strata did not match their values (as
defined by the
). Thanks to Pascal Hirsch for pointing
this out.
- Version 4.0.2 uploaded
doBy 2009-08-17
- Bug in summaryBy fixed: id vars were included in the
stratification of data which they should not be. Thanks to Joshua
Rest for pointing this out.
- Version 4.0.1 uploaded.
doBy 2009-07-28
- coxph method added for the esticon function. Thanks to
Alessandro A Leidi.
- splitBy changed so that names of the entries in the list match
the levels of the factors (it used to be that the names matched
the levels of the factors in reverse order).
- The formula in splitBy can now also be a character vector.
and which.minn
functions added
- Version 4.0.0 uploaded
doBy 2009-01-12
- splitBy had inconsistent output across cases. Fixed now
- Version 3.8 uploaded
doBy 2008-12-21
- splitBy failed if by-variables were constant. Fixed now.
- Version 3.7 uploaded.
doBy 2008-10-14
- splitBy now follows convention that first variable varies
- Version 3.6 uploaded
- Updated description of dietox data
- Version 3.5 uploaded
doBy 2008-09-26
- Small bug in summaryBy fixed
- Version 3.4 uploaded
- Small bug in summaryBy fixed
- Version 3.3 uploaded
doBy 2008-09-18
- Longer formulas now accepted (bug caused by a naive use of deparse())
- Version 3.2 uploaded
doBy 2008-06-13
- Bugs in variable names in summaryBy fixed
- Small update of documentation
- Version 3.1 uploaded
doBy 2008-05-20
- summaryBy speeded up; postfix argument removed
- Version 3.0 uploaded
doBy 2008-03-26
- Minor bugs removed.
- Version 2.3 uploaded
doBy 2008-02-13
and lastobs
functions added
- Version 2.2 uploaded
doBy 2007-12-05
- splitBy: Results becomes a
object. Two attributes
are added: 1) grps, which is the grouping factors coded into a
single variable. 2) idxvec, (a list) which holds the position of
each row in the original data set.
- lapplyBy: Following the changes above, the results of lapplyBy
follows the ordering given by formula.
- subsetBy: Now subset is a logical expression, not a character string
- Version 2.1 uploaded
doBy 2007-09-30
- DESCRIPTION file change from Depends: Hmisc to Imports: Hmisc;
doBy 2007-05-01
- summaryBy: Behaviour with . on rhs of formula when data contains no
factors has been corrected.
- Version 1.9 uploaded
- Miscellaneous corrections in the .Rd files
- lapplyBy function has been added
- Vignette has been updated
- Version 1.8 uploaded
doBy 2007-04-21
- orderBy changed so that signs in formula determines whether to
sort ascendingly or decreasingly
doBy 2007-03-21
- esticon extended to handle gls objects.
doBy 2006-12-14
doBy 2006-11-05
- Version 1.5 uploaded
- Typo in package title corrected
- Version 1.4 built and uploaded
- A warning from Kurt H (regarding gsub...) has been fixed
- Internal functions have been 'dotted'
- A NAMESPACE file has been added
- A file describing how to generate the NAMESPACE file
automatically has been added.
doBy 2006-10-23
- Version 1.3 built and uploaded
- Bug in splitBy corrected so that it works when rhs includes a
character variable.
- Version 1.2 built and uploaded
- Description of codstom data updated.
and subsAttr2
- postfix argument in summaryBy can be a list
doBy 2006-10-17
- Version 1.1 built and uploaded
- codstom.Rd updated
- asNumericMatrix2 added because asNumericMatrix in Hmisc does not
work if a variable is of type 'character'
doBy 2006-10-16
- Version 1.0 built and uploaded
- summaryBy: More issues about naming of variables have been
sorted out
- summaryBy: Argument order=TRUE has been added
- summaryBy: prefix=NULL changed to postfix=NULL, argument p2d has
been added
doBy 2006-10-10
- Version 0.9 built and uploaded
- summaryBy assigns better names to generated variables
- A vignette has been created
doBy 2006-10-03
- Version 0.8 built and uploaded
- Handles now ordered factors
- Fixed bug so that summaryBy now works with
doBy 2006-10-01
- Version 0.7 built and uploaded
- splitBy is now based on functions in the Hmisc package for
representing dataframes as matrices, which makes the function work
also for 'large' (10000 rows) datasets.
- summaryBy can now take . on both lhs and rhs of "~"
doBy 2006-09-27
- Various bugs have been fixed
doBy 2006-09-18
- summaryBy has been reimplemented.
- summaryBy takes . as argument on both lhs and rhs in formula
- summaryBy, splitBy takes drop=FALSE argument (just like split
- transformBy function has been added
doBy 2006-02-05
- sampleBy modified allow for also 'systematic samples',
e.g. every 5th row.
- summaryBy takes ... arguments to FUN. No default NA action is
doBy 2006-02-02
- A sampleBy function has been added.
- A subsetBy function has been added.
doBy 2006-01-26
- Function summaryBy modified so one can write log(x) on the left
hand side of '~'
- Function summaryBy modified such that NAs are removed. What to
do about Inf??
doBy 2006-01-17
- Function summaryBy modified to take dot (.) as lhs in formula and to
idvar = ~formula
doBy 4.6.23
doBy 4.6.21 (2024-04-29)
- crickets data added
- Added function
, model_stability_glm
, plot_lm
- Functionality of
and split_bycol